Welcome to the University of Sunderland’s Effective Practice hub where examples of effective practice from across University programmes are recognised and openly shared for everyone in our community. It is your space to add, view, adopt and adapt examples of practice that successfully enhance student experience and attainment.

Finding Examples

You can search this knowledge base by Tags which identify the aspect(s) of practice that are covered in the example, just click on the relevant tag in the Tag Cloud to the left. You can use the Search function to bring forward examples featuring particular words or browse the Categories of information which relate to the source of information. .

Using Examples

If you find an example of practice from this knowledge base that you have adopted or adapted then please feedback using the Comment box at the foot of that example’s description page. You may also provide a comment about an example, whether you have used this particular example or not. You may wish to provide a theoretical insight or background information about why this approach has been successful, or perhaps describe instances when you have observed a similar example in operation before.

Adding Examples

Let everyone know about what you are doing well!



or complete this Qualtrics form or download this Microsoft Word template and return it to the Centre for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching at the above email address.



  • The CELT Resources section provides links to the different types of support that the University’s Centre for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) can offer.
    Please note that some of these are only available to University of Sunderland staff as they refer to University systems that can only be accessed using University staff log in details.
  • The Events section lists upcoming staff pedagogic development events.
  • The Excellence section celebrates recognition of the high quality of teaching within our University’s  teaching community.
  • The Further Resources section brings together some sources of information from the wider Higher Education sector.